Website Manager

Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association

Current Season Registration

Coach/Volunteer Registration

For the purpose of registration and background checks, "coaches" are considered head coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, and any association volunteer.

Coach registrations are valid June 1st through May 31st.
If you coach in the fall, you DO NOT need to re-register for spring. SafeSport is completed annually, so all coaches must register AFTER 5/31 for the current upcoming soccer year. First time coaches will complete an in-depth course. Returners will complete a refresher each fall for a total of 3 refreshers and then take the full course again.

IMPORTANT: Registration is 3 STEPS: Registration, Background Check, and SafeSport (Heads Up is optional).
Please use legal names. Names on coach accounts, background checks, and SafeSport accounts MUST match.

Please read general INSTRUCTIONS here. This is important! READ to the end.


2) Complete background check in GotSport account*

3) Complete SafeSport* course or refresher in GotSport account*
*complete only after registering for current soccer year fall/spring

Please note, upon completion of SafeSport, the status may not update. If SafeSport still shows incomplete, go back to SafeSport details and use CHECK RECORDS button for an update. If there's still no change, UPLOAD YOUR CERTIFICATE INTO GOTSPORT by using the upload form option. 

I'm Registered. What's Next?

Age group commissioners may reach out prior, but further info and team rosters will be provided to coaches no later than 2 weeks before the season starts. This usually coincides with the coach meeting or posting of the online coach presentation.

See COACH PROGRAM PAGE for important pre-season info.

Field Status

Open Open

Bob Jones Park - Grass  (07:17 AM | 11/09/24)

Open Open

Bob Jones Park - Turf  (07:17 AM | 11/09/24)

Open Open

Oak Grove Park (03:53 PM | 12/05/24)

Open Open

Meadowmere Park (03:53 PM | 12/05/24)